How do I access Battlefield 4 expansion packs?


Jun 26, 2010
I have Premium and have completed the base campaign. If I select Campaign it restarts Baku. I don't see any options for the expahsion packs in the Multiplayer option. I'm quite bad at games and would rather not embarrass myself or hider other players. For that reason, I prefer single player.
The expansions are only for Multiplayer. Nothing was added to single player. The expansions added maps, map modes, and vehicles. You can change the maps and modes you want to play in the Multiplayer Server Browser.

If you're not into multiplayer games, I would caution purchasing First Person Shooters. They are primarily multiplayer games. BF series and COD really lead the FPS multiplayer world. Definitely read what comes with the Expansions before you buy a premium version of a game. You pretty much payed an additional $40 for Multiplayer content.
I fell for that too! Thought there were more stories, which I enjoyed. I thought the Campaign I played was Red China Rising! Not very clear on EA's part I think.