Question How do I build this IKEA desk?

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Oct 15, 2016
Please skip to 07:43 to see the desk.

I checked the description and it looks like there is 3 parts to the desk: the desk top, the desk leg and the desk middle. All parts are available to buy from IKEA it seems.

I am thinking about building a desk like this. I don't know how to do it though.

I need specific advice about how each part joins together.

Thank you.
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Linus has added his IKEA part list below the video. It contains links to each part at IKEA's web site. Each part at IKEA's web site has a link called "Assembly instructions" that opens the assembly diagram for that part, which shows how each part joins together, and what tools (if any) you may need. It's the exact assembly diagram you get when buying the part.
IKEA is internationally recognized for the pedagogic qualities in their assembly instructions, but can often provide an assembly service should you need that.

For building "something like" the IKEA desk, you will have to be more specific.
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