How do i charge my Lap the right way...


Jan 31, 2015
Hi im using Toshiba c50 laptop,I normally charge my lap when the notification comes like ex; "10% remaining plug your charger".so when its fully charge i unplugged my charger so its this the right way to charge the laptop or is it ok keep plug in the charger after fully charge is it damaged the laptop battery or not. Thank You.....
Most batteries in laptops don't have issues nowadays. Just plug in whenever, unplug when you need to move it. Most of the time, by the time the battery does have issues or problems, it'll be time for an upgrade anyways.
My suggestion is to keep doing what you have been doing. I noticed that when you keep rechargables like laptops, smartphones, etc plugged in all the time, it does degrade the battery life considerably faster. Keep in mind that rechargable batteries are rated at x amount of charge cycles.
Thks for ur suggestion i really appreciate, and u mentioned rechargeable batteries are rated at x amount of charge cycles what is it mean by Thanks a lot....