how do i check which cpu is better

bomboy 2121

Aug 10, 2014
me and my brother have excatly the same computer (inside and outside) but when we didnt had any gpu he had better preformance(in minecraft i had 40-30 fps and he had 100 fps)
and we have the same settings (i checked it for about 3 hours)
so i sespect its the cpu

and my dad also have the same cpu and i want to know if mine is better or his (if yes i will switch them)

so is there anyway to messure cpu preformance?
If two systems are identical (same hardware, software and running tasks), then the performance difference will be minimal (1-2 FPS at most). If you run Prime95 (and nothing else) on both systems, you should get the same performance.

i heard from some peoples that even if its the same hardware, some will work slower or faster
is it ture?