Hey guys hum i brought these Pioneer SW-8 100W Powered Subwoofer and Pioneer SP-BS21-LR Bookshelf Loudspeakers Pair But i got no idea how to connect them together and plug it on my mobo audio ?
well you cannot run standard speaker wire into your 3.5mm ports. Even if you could it would sound horrible because your audio card is not capable of pushing enough watt power to make them sound decent anyway. Your going to need a receiver which will power your devices, You can then pick up an RCA to 3.5mm "Y" adapter ( http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Adapter-3-5mm-Jack-Plugs/dp/B000A3GPIS ) and run that from the receiver input of your choosing to your green audio port on the motherboard. Now some receivers may support 3.5mm jacks in which case you wouldnt need the adapter to accomplish this