[SOLVED] How do I control case fan speed?


Nov 3, 2013
Just got a new build, and while some may not think its that loud I want it quieter as I'm used to a laptop which is quiet. I also don't mind a bump in temps in return for extra silence. If it helps I have a 460x case and a mpg z390 gaming edge ac motherboard.
The answer is "it depends". If the case fan is plugged into the motherboard, then there is a good chance that the motherboard allows for speed regulation. You may need to access the BIOS to do it or there might be software to control. Speed control is not always an option (checking your owners manual might give you insight on the the boards features and limitations). In that case you would need to add your own speed control. What you get would depend on how the fans plug in (3 pin, 4 pin, or directly connected to PSU power), but it could be a product as simple as...
The answer is "it depends". If the case fan is plugged into the motherboard, then there is a good chance that the motherboard allows for speed regulation. You may need to access the BIOS to do it or there might be software to control. Speed control is not always an option (checking your owners manual might give you insight on the the boards features and limitations). In that case you would need to add your own speed control. What you get would depend on how the fans plug in (3 pin, 4 pin, or directly connected to PSU power), but it could be a product as simple as:
Which would just slow the fan.
Or ... http://www.zalman.com/contents/products/view.html?no=504 which has a knob to control speed
Or ... https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA85V4T51313&Description=fan%20controller&cm_re=fan_controller-_-9SIA85V4T51313-_-Product if you are looking for something fancy.

Do check compatibility before buying anything.