How do i cool my GPU?


Nov 28, 2016
GPU: AMD radeon r9 390
power supply: corsair cx750m

my gpu is 62C when im idle, then somewhere around 75C when playing rocket league and then when im playing GTA V its 94C after just playing for 10 minutes and the fans are on 100%.
i bought Dell XPS 8700 and just replaced the power supply and the graphics card with the ones i mentioned above. i'm pretty sure i don't have a good cooling system. im trying to find something that will cool my pc down. i'm pretty sure my GPU is not the only thing that is burning hot in there, probably almost everything. i want to buy a new case because there is almost no space in there and something that can cool everything down.

i am ordering an htc vive so im pretty sure i need something to cool my pc down before i try to play with the htc vive.

please suggest me something that is easy to set up, unlike water cooling i assume.

Honestly you'd be better off just changing the case mate.

Dropping $15 on one of those GPU fans really won't make a massive difference.

Those GPU temps are very hot but still just in spec , but you need good case cooling for a 390 full stop & a standard dell case just doesn't have that.

Just over $40 for a zalman z3 plus or a deepcool kendomen & your issues will be gone completely.
(& you'll have a nice new case to boot)
Second one may do a bit better job as it blows air at GPU, first one just pulls air out.
If you don't want to change GPU cooler with an aftermarket cooler next best thing would be to install an intake fan on the side of the case.
That's all providing you case ventilation is inadequate.
Honestly you'd be better off just changing the case mate.

Dropping $15 on one of those GPU fans really won't make a massive difference.

Those GPU temps are very hot but still just in spec , but you need good case cooling for a 390 full stop & a standard dell case just doesn't have that.

Just over $40 for a zalman z3 plus or a deepcool kendomen & your issues will be gone completely.
(& you'll have a nice new case to boot)

im planning to buy something to cool it today so i think i will buy this case you told me about, the zalman:

but just to make sure, there is no way that my parts in my pc wont fit in that case right? for example if i need to screw something in and there isn't any hole there for a screw or something.

and is it enough to just buy a new case to solve my problems, no cooling or anything else?

thank you so much for replying and i will buy this today on ebay if this is what will cool my pc down.

no there is almost no space there is just one extra pci slot, i could fit a fan on the pci slot there but it would have to be really small

i actually am now because im checking how big everything is and its at 44C all the time, should i check what happens if i run gta v?


ok im gonna launch gta, but while im doing that i will ask you this question, do you think it's safe having a box fan blow in your pc while the case is open?

^ like I said mate those dell cases aren't designed for high end stuff , especially a card like the 390 which does run hot hot hot.

That case has no front intake & a paltry single 92mm exhaust.

Fairly certain the motherboard in those is just a standard matx & should fit in any case.

Something limebthe zalman z3 plus which has 5 case fans & a fan controller included does a sterling job of cooling just about any components.

Download cpu-z

& post your motherboard model here , it will be clearly shown in the mainboard tab

manufacturer: dell Inc.
the model: OKWVT8 A03
chipset: Intel Haswell Rev. 06
southbridge: Intel Z87 Rev. C2

by the way after playing a little longer of gta v it got usually 80C but at one point it got to 91C, but still almost always on 80C

should i buy the zalman z3 plus:

will that make my problems go away? i really want to make a decision this hour on wether i should buy it or not
That would be a nice case.
Before you switch to anything, check for and make sure you know exact positions for front panel connectors on the MB. Dell and other computer manufacturers like to make those connectors "special" while case producers make those connectors fairly standard.
^ yep it does have non standard pinouts , there's loads of threads showing the pinouts for these boards though (I'll link one when I get chance)

Motherboard will fit the zalman fine standoff mount wise - lot of people have transplanted these into better cases

yeah there is a guy explaining that to me here:
and he says that it will work in the end, i just need to take those 1-2 pin cables i get with the case and put it in the front panel input according to the picture he posted there to explain it.

im ordering this case tonight on ebay after about 8 hours from now:
Its a good choice mate , a lot of case & fans for your money.

As barty says on the other thread , you will get it to work 100% , its just avcase of getting vthe case connectors on the right pins.
As he said the only really important one is the power +/- , the rest are cosmetic only really.

nice, i have now ordered the case.