How do I download ai suite 3?


Oct 20, 2013
I'm trying to find the download ai suite 3, but I can't find the download anywhere. I know this is a total n00b question, but I simply can't find it. Am I missing something? Where is the download? I have an asus maximus vii mobo.
Thanks in advance
Kinda old but I didn't want to start a whole new thread, sorry if this isn't "best practice" for the forums but is AI Suite III the same for all Asus boards? like I notice mine is a blue/black color scheme where as the ROG boards is the red/black. If I downloaded AI Suite III from an ROG drive/utility section would AI Suite III still function the same as it does on my non ROG board but with just a different color scheme?
I have a question cause i cant find a solid answer yet. I have a Maximus V Extreme. Can i download AI Suite 3 or not? Are they compatible? Thanks in advance.

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