K karoline08 Reputable Jul 6, 2015 1 0 4,510 Jul 6, 2015 #1 how do i eject my cd drive when i don't have a eject button? i can't find the eject button on My Computer.
how do i eject my cd drive when i don't have a eject button? i can't find the eject button on My Computer.
turkey3_scratch Expert Ambassador Jul 15, 2014 22,627 8 60,960 Jul 6, 2015 #2 If there is a physical button on the drive you can click that, or go to My Computer, right-click the drive and click Eject. Upvote 0 Downvote
If there is a physical button on the drive you can click that, or go to My Computer, right-click the drive and click Eject.
envy14tpe Champion Mar 3, 2012 9,575 14 56,665 Jul 6, 2015 #3 Another thing you can do is use a small pin and there should be a tiny hole on the cd drive where you can insert it that manually pops it out instead of right clicking on something. Upvote 0 Downvote
Another thing you can do is use a small pin and there should be a tiny hole on the cd drive where you can insert it that manually pops it out instead of right clicking on something.
Wolfshadw Titan Moderator Aug 3, 2006 28,379 1,590 133,290 Jul 6, 2015 #4 Verify you actually have a CD/DVD drive. What's the model number of your system? -Wolf sends Upvote 0 Downvote
smorizio Titan Jan 22, 2010 30,980 10 125,315 Jul 6, 2015 #5 in windows os you highlight the drive and right click..the words eject will show up. there no key like there is on a mac to pop a disk out. Upvote 0 Downvote
in windows os you highlight the drive and right click..the words eject will show up. there no key like there is on a mac to pop a disk out.