How do I enable X.M.P on my type of motherboard?

Apr 10, 2018
Hi, to make things short, I have an ASUS M5A97 motherboard and noticed that my memory was running at 1333MHz rather than 1600MHz that it is advertised at. I asked around on how to change to 1666MHz and someone said to enable X.M.P in the BIOS but I cant find the option anywhere the BIOS...

Can someone give me some steps to fix this?
The XMP setting is within the BIOS. First off enter the BIOS (usually by hitting the Delete key repeatedly during the system boot up). Once in the BIOS, go to the Advanced mode. Then select the Ai Tweaker menu. Near the top is a Ai overclock tuner (may vary slightly), XMP is an option in that setting. Select XMP, then XMP profile that matches the memory that you purchased (1600 MHz).

The process is also coveredi in your motherboard manual.
Below is an article that illustrates XMP setting ins several brands of motherboards.
@Tolis_GR Its a 2x3GB kit of Corsair Dominator DDR3.
@terry4536 I already tried that but still could not find the option, also I went on the link previously before posting this tpoic but non of those BIOS are my BIOS that I see.

Two sticks of 3GB? Impossible Did you mean 4GB? What is the *exact* model of your Corsair memory? Did you check to make sure it is on the motherboard's qualified vendor's list (QVL) for memory? Link here, not sure which download you need to choose though:

EDIT: I saw a link to a manual switch that is turned on or off on the motherboard for XMP enabling. Make sure it is ENABLED!
@10tacle soooo I looked on and around my motherboard for a EZ XMP switch and there is not one...
@terry4536 I watched the first YouTube link you posted and changed my BIOS setting from Auto everything to these settings ( and in the DRAM timing control tab I changed the times to this as people with the same memory kit as me said this worked for them (

All I need to do now is to check its stable, I will continue random PC stuff for an hour or so and I will report back if there is any crashes 😛)
In your first linked screen shot, across from Ai Overclock Tuner is the option "Manual".
If you click on that, you are given the option to select XMP. Also to the upper right of that is an area that explains the setting options.

But if you prefer, you can manually enter the memory timings. Personally I prefer the XMP option. It is fast, and there is less chance of an input error

Clearing the CMOS will reset the BIOS to the default settings. That should allow you to boot up the system. The manual will give you the specifics on that. There may be a clear CMOS button or a jumper for that purpose.
God damn it, never even tried putting it on Manual and seeing if the XMP option pops up... I will try that, dont mind me.
Also its fine now, I can just restore default settings from the BIOS itself I can still get in if the BSOD pops up.
Nope, the XMP isn't there, I will continue with the settings I changed beforehand and see if I can go with it because the previous comment of mine was posted from my PC after changing the settings and not on my phone so I think it might okay.
You never did answer the question if your memory is on the motherboard's QVL list. If you aren't familiar with what that is, it's a list of memory that the motherboard maker tested for this particular model at the factory to ensure they work correctly as configured, including XMP compatibility. Now if it's not on that list, it doesn't mean it won't work. It just means it wasn't tested on the motherboard prior to release.

What does that mean big picture? Maybe the RAM works in the system but not in XMP mode. Maybe you'll get BSOD error under load after a while. Who knows? All I know is you are having way too much difficulty for what is normally a simple enable.
In the FAQ for your motherboard is this statement. It has the XMP as a selector switch on the motherboard near the DIMM slots. Originally XMP was an option for Intel processors, but was broadened to include AMD processors. Apparently this motherboard came out just as that trend was occurring (hence the switch). Later motherboards have the option within the UEFI BIOS.

Introduction of EZ XMP
It really does not have one lol... But its fine now, I have fixed my problem, alll that needed doing was picking the 'D.C.O.P' tuning profile in the BIOS which is apparently the AMD equivalent for intels XMP

That was on your motherboard site. I assume that at least some of the motherboard production had the switch, but the FAQ did have the qualifier that it was for motherboards so equipped.

But I'm glad you got the profile working.