thataccsetuper :
4745454b :
I think you missed his point. There is no way to change it, so why care? You connect to whatever router your ISP connects you to. Nothing you can do about it.
What is going on that you need to change it?
Change? Change what? I've never mentioned anything about changing something. I'm trying to find WHERE the router my isp is connecting me to. I've never said anything about changing something...
It does not really matter.
Your "ISP" has no real location.
Yes, corporate offices. But the first hop outside of your house is somewhere semi-local. ANd then someewhere a little farther away. And then again, and again.
Until you finally connect to whatever 'server' you are trying to access.
You cannot influence the pathway your data takes from here to there.
If you see someone talking about their "isp location", you can ignore them, because they have no idea what they're talking about.