How do i fix my r7 370 from black screening everytime i start a game.


Mar 23, 2016
When i start my computer everything is ok, then some green lines show up that make me think my gpu is dying. And i cant install drivers, because it just black screens upon launch of the install.
You are cutting that very close on the power supply, i'm not convinced that, that is putting out enough power for that pc. Try disconnecting your gpu and seeing if it boots up. You also didn't mention what kind of power supply, some really can be god awful. What PSU is it?
If all else fails, maybe borrow someones power supply that is 600 w or higher and see if that helps the situation.
380? Wow that's low =/. Are you able to take the graphics card out and use on board graphics? If you can't try using your power supply to boot your friends pc. If you can't then it's the power supply. If you can, well, try removing and replacing each component to find the problem.