How do I force my own, or assign the GUID that bcdboot creates (ex. bcdboot C:\Windows) to a variable in Batch?


Jul 26, 2017
When imaging and setting up a dual boot, I need to type bcdboot T:\windows and capture the unique ID { } it creates to a variable. Either that, or I need to force it to use an ID I set so I know what it is while scripting. Any ideas?
I know you can do something like bcdboot.exe /m {aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee} to force your own but for some reason when I try that, it still assigns it's own anyway. I know there are ways to assign OS loader GUID outputs to a variable in batch but I am wondering if there is a similar method in bcdboot?

bcdedit GUID to variable batch example: For /F "tokens=2 delims={}" %%i in ('bcdedit.exe') do (set _NEWGUID=%%i)