I have a SDR-5102 dvr hook up to 16 cameras, I have a static ip with HTTP port on 80 rtsp port on 4524, my app ipolis mobile works fine, but the problem comes in when I use IE browser, I am able to get to the main screen for the dvr but all is grayed out, able to click setting but then the dvr disconnect every time. I have check the port forwarding on the router, all is correct. What am I missing? The camera system is run at a business, have a t1 line run in, not sure what else I can do. The company I work for does not want this on the ddns, look into problems with port 80 and found that ISP provider will sometimes block port 80 but I do nut believe this to be the case, I look at the TWC modem setting and found no blocking of these ports, not to say it's being done in house at the server.
found this on this subject but trying to make sense of it:

found this on this subject but trying to make sense of it: