How do I get gpu boost 2.0 to work on my PC?


Nov 10, 2013
I have a gtx 780 twin frozr, along with an i7 4770k, 16 gigs of ram, and a 750 watt psu.

I was wondering why gpu boost isn't raising temps at all. I'm not using vsync, but I still only get about 60 fps on BF4 at ultra and resolution scale between 110 and 130%.
When I check cpuid, it says my video card is usually pretty cool. The max temp I've seen it reach was probably about 60 celsius.
Isn't gpu boost 2.0 supposed to overclock it until it gets near 80 degrees celsius?
If so, how could I enable this. Do I have to tinker around with msi afterburner?
I'd really like to increase my resolution scale more; it looks too good not to use.
if you have everything on auto no vsynk or adaptive vsynk.and at afterburner have everything on auto.
make shure you have latest drivers and see if there is a bios update for your gpu ther might be a fix if there was a problem.
if you have manual overclocks there is a posibility afterburner will not let the gpu boost its self.
its not something you can turn on or off.there is no adjustment to it.
see if you have vsynk anabled in the nvidia control panel under 3d settings.
i have the exact same setup and you should have a average of 60 fps on ultra on a 1080p display.
if you have everything on auto no vsynk or adaptive vsynk.and at afterburner have everything on auto.
make shure you have latest drivers and see if there is a bios update for your gpu ther might be a fix if there was a problem.
if you have manual overclocks there is a posibility afterburner will not let the gpu boost its self.
I checked the Nvidia control panel, and for the vertical sync section, it was set to "use 3d application setting". Just to be safe, I set it to off.
I also changed power management mode from Adaptive to "prefer maximum performance" In case that could make a difference.

I also noticed something in msi afterburner. My memory clock is only 3004 MHz at max. Shouldn't it be at 6008 MHz or am I missing something? I have the msi gaming edition 780.
I tinkered with ocing it and saw little to no benefit; just less stability, so I brought it back to normal.

I did manage to overclock the core clock by 100 mhz. Now at max, I get my card to 1137 MHz.
This is a very pleasing change of events but now I'm left wondering about that memory clock.

I also changed my fan settings. It now is much more aggressive with cooling but I still don't hear anything over my case fans, but I'm concerned about my cpu now. It's peak temps after a few hours of gaming get as high as 70 degrees Celsius (minimum is 25 Celsius). Is there anything short of getting a better fan to offset this?

A combination of these changes now make me able to get 60 fps with 165% resolution scale and everything at ultra, but with 2x MSAA instead of 4.

Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know that. Gpu-z did say 1502 MHz now that I think about it lol.