How do i get internet without my pc knowing that i have a ethernet cable plugged in.

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Dec 24, 2017
Okay so here comes a story with alot of problems but i´ll mention them at the end, im gonna try to explain it as clearly as possible.

So Last night i went on my pc and reinstalled windows 7 (cracked) and don´t forget that i had my usb stick and my ethernet cable/wifi adapter plugged in, so during the installation i wiped out my harddrive(disk 0). When the installation was compelete couldn´t find the network adapters neither the usb stick but the rest worked just fine
So here are my questions, problems and few solutions that i´ve tried.
1. Is there a solution that i can do on my pc without buying new components?
2.Will i destroy my usb stick and ethernet cable/wifi adapter when i delete my harddrive?
3.Is it because of my hardware or ethernet cable?
Things to keep in mind:
1.My ethernet cable is broken so i dont have internet.
2.Pc won´t show my network adapters neither the usb stick.
Already used solutions:
1. I´ve tried to use other ethernet cables .
2. I´ve tried to reinstall windows.
3.I´ve tried to replug everything.
4.I´ve tried to reinstall drivers but they werent showing in the device manager.
5.I´ve tried to delete the network config in regedit
6.And I´ve tried to do windows update and all other windows help support things
Theoratical Solutions:
1.I could buy new compenents for example a new usb stick ethernet cable motherboard or pc case.
2.I could get the network drivers onto a usb stick and put it in my pc(but i don´t know if the usb will work)
Keep in mind that I´m only 14 years old so buying new componenents is the last thing i want to do since i don´t have alot of money and i my parents wouldn´t understand and even if they would i don´t like asking them for stuff. I will be open for suggestions that aren´t mentioned above and if you have any questions let me know. i will check everyday atleast. Thanks for your help and a merry christmas!
Sorry for the bad layout of my problem, i´m doing this on my TV since my phone has a broken screen and i´m the only one at home atm so this is all i could do.
Thanks in advance
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