[SOLVED] How do I get rid of Blue Screen of Death? Need help if possible!

Sep 10, 2018
I have had this PC for around a year and a half now. Built it myself. I have had 0 issues for a year straight till a month ago.

Out of a sudden I started facing BSOD, from 'Memory Management' to 'Paged fault in non-paged area' etc. I tried many things, memtest76, diagnostic tool, chkdsk, have been monitoring CPU/GPU temps/usage for a while etc etc, almost everything. No issues detected. XMP profile is disabled too btw for RAM.

So after I did those things it kind of got fixed. I didn't face it for 2 weeks straight or so, while I used to get it many times in a day. However today, I faced it again, twice. One was memory management, the other paged fault in non paged area. I thought I fixed it but I guess not. Something triggered it again, I just don't know why.

I have no idea what to do more. Only thing I haven't done is re-install Windows and update bios which I don't know how to do though and not sure if it could help (?). If so I can give it a try.

One thing I have noticed by the way, sometimes while I am using PC usb devices disconnect themselves and I have to force restart my pc. Like keyboard (especially) or headset. I have three USB devices by the way, mouse, keyboard and headset. Could that be related with anything?

Please provide some help if possible. I have run out of ideas. Thank you!

Specs: AsRock B450 Pro4, Ryzen 2600, 1050 2gb, 2x4gb G.Skill 2400hz (yes, disgustingly bad speed lol)
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