[SOLVED] How do I get the best performance out of my pc.

Jul 11, 2020
I felt like my pc was under performing and while I got good frames I just feel like im not getting the most out of my PC, I decided to run a benchmark(https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/30482659) and it said "Overall this PC is performing below expectations" im not sure what I should do to improve performance, any tips at all? Another thing is I have 64gb 3600mhz memory but I cant boot past 3000 not sure what to do with that.

Specs- https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TLJrFG
Theres a couple great methods to boost your PC. First, update to the latest version of all your drivers and software. Then, you can mess with the startup settings and disable useless apps (make sure they aren't relating to the operating system), and this will make your computer startup faster. Messing around with the BIOS settings can also help. Often BIOS settings are set to a base to support older hardware. If you have newer hardware, theres things you can enable to push its best performance so watch a few Youtube tutorials on that. Another obvious option is a slight overclock. This is also done in the BIOS easily with a Youtube tutorial but make sure you have favorable cooling. Finally, open task manager and just end some tasks...
Theres a couple great methods to boost your PC. First, update to the latest version of all your drivers and software. Then, you can mess with the startup settings and disable useless apps (make sure they aren't relating to the operating system), and this will make your computer startup faster. Messing around with the BIOS settings can also help. Often BIOS settings are set to a base to support older hardware. If you have newer hardware, theres things you can enable to push its best performance so watch a few Youtube tutorials on that. Another obvious option is a slight overclock. This is also done in the BIOS easily with a Youtube tutorial but make sure you have favorable cooling. Finally, open task manager and just end some tasks (again, dont end important operating system tasks), but this can open up some CPU and RAM utilization space.
I felt like my pc was under performing and while I got good frames I just feel like im not getting the most out of my PC, I decided to run a benchmark(https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/30482659) and it said "Overall this PC is performing below expectations" im not sure what I should do to improve performance, any tips at all? Another thing is I have 64gb 3600mhz memory but I cant boot past 3000 not sure what to do with that.

Specs- https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TLJrFG
Your CPU is not boosting. The max clock speed was 3.6Ghz. You need to check your cooling and your BIOS settings. Your CPU should have hit a max clock speed of 5Ghz.
And to push it to it's max what do I need to do without messing anything up (safest way to do so if possible)
Youll have to boot into your BIOS by turning your PC on and spamming the delete key. Youll do this stuff the same way that people overclock so look up and overclocking tutorial for your board manufacturer JUST TO GET TO THE SETTING. Dont actually overclock anything here. Youre going to have to change a few settings to the factory set clocks of your CPU and GPU. Youll have to do some research for these but im sure you can work it out. A CPU shouldnt be clocked higher than around 5 GHz depending on which CPU you have obviously.