Do I get a "7.1" headset like the Cloud 2 or Arctic 5. Or is it better to get a stereo headset like the Sennheiser Game zero? Do I run them trough an external/internal audio card?
Many good questions. Cloud 2 and game zero are personal favorite for affordable headphone that sound really good. Anything better will cost you much more. The highend pcie sound cards will perform the best, but the external sound do really well without costing as much. The asus xonar external cards would be my recommendation for great sound.
Many good questions. Cloud 2 and game zero are personal favorite for affordable headphone that sound really good. Anything better will cost you much more. The highend pcie sound cards will perform the best, but the external sound do really well without costing as much. The asus xonar external cards would be my recommendation for great sound.