How Do I Get Unspecified Drivers from Lenovo So I Can Do A Clean Install?


Mar 24, 2014
I have an 8 month-old Lenovo B50-30 All-In-One 24" Touch screen computer (bought it for my wife) that has a Sea--te hard drive that has developed a bad sector. I discovered this doing one of my regular "OS to SSD style clone" processes to backup her hard drive. Obviously the clone process failed when it encountered the bad sector.

I have tried several different cloning products all to no avail.

Today I sat down to do a clean install of Windows 10 on a new SSD and, after a few minutes of installation progress, the install stopped and asked for unspecified drivers. I copied all of the drivers from the Windows\System32\drivers folder to a USB drive and "gave it to the install" to no avail. It thought for a while and then said the driver wasn't found on the media. Never did it ask for a specific driver in any manner (no hardware name, no driver file name, etc.).

I spent over an hour on the Lenovo support site tonight trying to find a way to order original media but could not successfully specify the media I needed. Lenovo's online order form had "required fields", combo boxes, without any entries that matched our computer's model, family, etc.

If I can't clone the existing drive, can't do a new clean install, and can't find a way to order original media that should contain an installation and drivers (fingers crossed), what do I do?

If I can't find a way around this situation I will end up having to throw a $900 computer in the trash. Up until now, it's been a great computer. But when this hard drive starts having more errors (a foregone conclusion) throwing it away will be my only alternative. This is definitely the last Lenovo I will ever purchase!

Any help on how to get original media, what drivers to feed the installation with, or how to clone a hard drive with a bad sector (yes, only 1 at this time) would be much appreciated!
Close/cancel this item. As it turns out, the installation DVD that was asking for unspecified drivers was bad. I downloaded a new install from Microsoft and it ran perfectly.
Close/cancel this item. As it turns out, the installation DVD that was asking for unspecified drivers was bad. I downloaded a new install from Microsoft and it ran perfectly.