How do I keep my gpu clock at max with iTunes?


Sep 28, 2016
Hello there,
I really like Apple Music and I do not have the option to switch to Spotify.
But if I want to play a game while listening to music/having the program open, my gpu (280X 1GHz stock, OCd to 1130) clocks down to 850 Mhz and the game eventually drops too often to uncomfortable fps numbers.
My question would be how I could force the gpu to stay at my targeted clock while using iTunes (Youtube on Opera, Chrome and Firefox doesnt lead to this)
Greetings ork1957

Gpu stays at 74 degrees on Furmark, without the oc it will still clock down to 7970 clocks, gpu is stable and my FX-6300 is OK. It is known that iTunes and some Flash applications do this, I just want to find a way around it, and not to use iTunes anymore.


Negative, iTunes is the only issue, try it for yourself (apply slight test oc, launch iTunes, launch game, monitor gpu clock)

Strange, maybe it's a thing of the 280X being a 7970 at the core and that's why it's clocking down... Then I'll have to wait if someone with my hardware has the same issue, thanks for taking your time
I'll guess its due to iTunes being priority and setting clocks at less than max 3d. I've seen thus, happened on older cards with older drivers. Play video in browser, clocks at 500 say, open game, clocks at 500 still

Op- you could try a little program called clock blocker. It runs in sys tray. Basically runs a very light 3d load (invisible) to force clocks to stay at max 3d no matter what's happening. I used it before amd sorted their power management out.

I already tried it, but either I'm too dumb to activate it or it doesn't really work... I'll give it a shot later this day, school is higher on my priority list ^^

Ok, thanks, I'll definitely try that.
By the way, the only clocks that I have seen with itunes open were 501 and 850 MHz, without it it will fluctuate between 500, 850 and 1130/1000, just to have mentioned that.

My Asus 280X DC2 3gb is up to date, power target and voltage are at max (120%, 1,2V), it does hit the frequency without iTunes. And my Psu (Seasonic XM2 x 1050w) is definitely not the issue
Test w/o iTunes:
Test with iTunes:
The blocking app does nothing, no watter if I activate a rule for iTunes or activate them all...
I guess that there is something in iTunes that blocks the higher clocks, it doesn't happen when I'm watching a YT vod on my second screen, then is my gpu on the full 1130 Mhz...
And removing the oc doesn't solve anything by the way, so I think that it is a fault of iTunes...
Maybe it would've been ok if you could disable hardware acceleration in iTunes, but that is not an option :c
I'm not sure if there is a similar setting (I run nVidia) or not, but in my GPU config panel, there are 3 options to set the power; Adaptive, Optimal power, Prefer Performance. The latter "prefer performance" will force the card to run at OC/Full speed at all times. This can be set globally -so its always cranked up- or, you can specify desired programs to (games, benchmarks, and in your case - iTunes) that will override the global setting.

I have the global setting to Adaptive such that my card idles down when I'm idle -extend lifespan- and then whenever I start a program that i have "white-listed" so to speak to run at full speed, the card cranks up. Close the game -it throttles back down.

Is there anything like this for ATI /Radeon cards?
Found someone else that had the same problem, just doesn't any browser create this problem for me, but iTunes does, and I can definetly not swith off hardware acceleration (its in the solution)
So I will report it to Apple and hope that they will fix it.... Thanks guys for your help, but now I can blame a program from Apple running on a PC... YAY :/

I already reinstalled the driver, did nothing