How do I move my OS from an hdd to an ssd without moving any other data?


Jul 7, 2013
Hi, I just purchased a new SSD. Currently I have windows installed on an HDD. You guys are probably wondering why it wasn't installed on the 160gb ssd in my sig. It is not because the 160gb ssd is really bad. I got it from my friends broken old macbook and in tests it actually performed slower than my hdd. My issue is that I want to move my OS to the new ssd including all software and stuff but I don't want to move my files because all my files won't fit on the ssd. Any solutions?

Thanks :).
Just clean install windows to the SSD, then move over your files. You can even use Windows Easy Transfer to move your profile over, then just copy over the other files like movies. You will want to re-install games and applications as you will probably run into registry errors if not.
Just clean install windows to the SSD, then move over your files. You can even use Windows Easy Transfer to move your profile over, then just copy over the other files like movies. You will want to re-install games and applications as you will probably run into registry errors if not.

Are you sure thats the only way??? I have way to many programs. It would take me weeks.
If you don't want to run a clean install, use a disk imaging program (like CloneZilla) to clone the contents of the HDD onto the SSD. This will clone the entire HDD, so any files you don't want to transfer need to be moved to an external drive or cloud storage first. Obviously, make sure the conetnts of the cloned HDD will fit onto the SSD.

Also bear in mind that cloning a drive won't help to fix problems with fragmentation or OS error messages. The contents of the HDD and state of the installed software will be an exact replica.

I guess at this point I will just do a clean install of windows and reinstall all my software. I have exactly 200 programs installed :pfff:. This is gonna take a while. Also another questions I have is, what driver or controller should I use for the SSD? I am considering windows default unless you guys know of anything better. Right now I have marvell installed for my HDD.
This is what I have installed now.