How do I overclock?


Apr 18, 2015
Pretend I know nothing about overclocking. I'm also fairly new to computers. Done my research but still got a lot to learn.

I know in BIOS you can adjust the frequency. Getting a new MSI mobo that has OC genie so wonder how that works.
i7 4790k CPU. I know now that theres a max voltage i have to look out for. I think 1.3 volts.

What else do I have to look for? This is a well-known CPU. Like max temps but I am water cooling this CPU.
Is this all I have to look for? voltage and temps? After doing a little research I think 4.8 GHz is the most it'll go before bad things happen.
Only raise voltage when your overclock becomes unstable or you get the blue screen on load up. More voltage = more heat and if you have a chip that can hit a high overclock without maxing the voltage to 1.3, why push it harder than you have to?

Those auto-overclocking bits of software tend to put a lot of voltage even if the chip can be stable with less. Gotta keep in mind that every chip is a snowflake, it's hard to know if Set X to 2 Set Y to 3 and you're good. It's what makes it interesting.

There are some people, hardcore overclockers, who will buy multiple chips when they come out, test them all, find the one that best overclocks and then sell off the rest as used, just so they get the "magic" chip. It's a matter of luck of the draw otherwise.