Just replaced my PSU, I forgot how everything used to be plugged in. Everything seems to be in order except for my audio and microphone. Help? http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjczWDE0ODU=/z/2DgAAOSwNSxVNOPo/$_57.JPG
Your picture doesn't work, but speakers usually plug into the green 3.5mm audio port, and the microphone into the pink one.
Like so:
Just replaced my PSU, I forgot how everything used to be plugged in. Everything seems to be in order except for my audio and microphone. Help? http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjczWDE0ODU=/z/2DgAAOSwNSxVNOPo/$_57.JPG
Your picture doesn't work, but speakers usually plug into the green 3.5mm audio port, and the microphone into the pink one.
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