Question How do I prioritize my internet to my pc?


Feb 8, 2020
I've always had issues with my internet, I mainly play games and almost everyday I will get timed out atleast 5 times. So I'm wondering if there is and way to prioritize my internet to my pc? I live with 3 other people and It's come to the point that when anyone turns on anything on their phones for a bit while using wifi I will start lagging like crazy. I've heard people using Qos but I can't find that setting anywhere for the life of me.
My router is a sagemcom F@st 5360 t
  1. What speed do you pay the ISP for?
  2. How many people are on this connection?
  3. Is your PC wired or WiFi?
  4. Why should YOUR system have priority over the others?
I believe the speed is 50mb/s
There are in total 4 people on the connection
It is a hybrid, wired and wifi
I should have priority since I work from my pc, and do all my school work etc, not to mention I pay for the internet. The 3 people living here don't work from home or anything like that so I think it would be fair
So my internet comes from my isp in two ways, half is wired and the rest comes wirelessly. My internet in my home is just a router and a wifi modem. Don't really know a different way I could explain it since I'm pretty dumb when it comes to internet stuff.
Here is a simple line diagram that represents the common connectivity for home networks where ----> represents an Ethernet cable.

ISP === (Coax, DSL, Fiber) ===>[Port] Modem [Port] ---> [WAN port] Router [LAN Ports] ----> Wired devices and ~~~ wireless ~~~> wireless devices.

The modem and router may be combined.

There may be other devices installed/connected: switches, other routers, Access Points. Any patch panels or wall outlets?

Edit and correct my line diagram to respresent your network's physical connections. Include device make and models. Copy and paste as necessary.

If you do not know what some device is then look on the back or bottom for labeling. Or take a photograph and post here via imgur (

As stated we need to "know so".
I would follow the above posts first so you know that it is not some setting or bad cable causing your issue. Chasing a solution (ie QoS) when you don't know the problem first tend to not be the best approach.

In many ways it would be better if it was not a problem you needed QoS to fix.

First you would have to replace your router with a better one.
Next the concept of "priority" is flawed when it comes to QoS. For that to work the ISP would have to decide which traffic was more important so it knows which to throw away and which to send.
When the data won't fit on the connection the ISP will randomly discard traffic and nothing you set on your router will magically create that. You can only really use priority for data you send.
Anything on the ISP side is beyond your control.

To fix this there are special forms of QoS that attempt to trick the end stations into requesting less data. Most routers do not support this.

BUT QoS doesn't matter if you are not exceeding your bandwidth. So it is important to be sure a new router with fancy QoS will solve your issue.

Now I guess you could use the brute force approach since you pay for the internet. Your router has parental control features, you could just go in and manually block other uses and in effect give yourself the whole connection.
This is kinda what QoS will do. There is no magic way for it to put 100mbps in a 50mbps connection. Someone is going to get less data than they want.
So it goes the same as you put it
ISP=(Coax)=>[Port]Modem[Port]--->[Wan Port]Router[Lan ports]---->Wired devices ~~ wireless ~~> wireless devices
Modem - Huawei Model B525a - 23a
Router- Sagemcom F@st 5360 T
There are no wall outlets or access points.
In total there are 2 pc's connected via ethernet cables, and 4 phones connected via wifi.
So is your pc connected via ethernet or wifi. Wifi you can easily get interference from other device both inside and outside your house and there is no way to favor one over the other.

If you run on ethernet it is then going to take more work. Your router is very basic so it is not much help. Does your ISP have any way to display your utilization so you can tell if you are overloading the link.

50mbps is not a lot but normal usage from a few devices is not going to overload that. Large download would but you need to talk to the other people and find out what they are doing when you have problems. Now it could be a upload issue since I suspect that is much lower than 50mbps and can be overloaded easier.
Upload rate though is not as commonly overloaded, it would have to be say someone backing a device up to the cloud or maybe streaming video out to say youtube or twitch.
So i just noticed something that makes this even more confusing.

The device you call a modem is actually a router that get the internet via a cell tower signal. It does not take a coax cable.

The performance of a internet connection that comes in via a radio signal rather than some kind of wire is going to be susceptible to random performance issues.
fq_codel or cake can help with your bufferbloat. you would not prioritize your pc. the qdisc spreads bandwidth across every connection and drops packs off the ones using the most internet first. this is rarely gaming. any qos requires you to take a 5-15% hit on bandwidth in order to control TCP. It can be very effective. It won't be as smooth as playing when no ones home. you will likely have to go buy a router that supports this. either will work for DOCSIS or fiber fine. if you have DSL cake can have better performance. configuration is as simple as setting your bandwidth. some implementations drop a % off what u type. you just have to keep adjusting and testing it on dslreports or another bufferbloat test site until you're consistently in the A+