How do i remove every found new hardware wizards from my computer ?

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Aug 16, 2014
Okey so everytime i start my pc theres always Found New Hardware Wizards coming out. And everytime 1 of them shows up my computer freezes and the only thing that fixes it for a couple of seconds is Windows Task Manager, and they never stop coming out i've spent just like 4 hours to somehow stop them but i cant remove em at all. So if anyone lnows how i can remove them or atleast stop them from coming out please help me :)
CHeck Your USB Port i had the same problem i have solved mine just open my CPU then removed all components then clean by using Vacuum Cleaner Check all part all hole and clean slowly after all reinsert all components LIKE HDD RAM etc Then Start Your PC I Hope This May Work For U too
Did you install all Windows Updates? Including options except BING? Check them and repeat till ALL are installed.
Download and run Slim Drivers, install all the latest updates for alot of the other things 'under the hood' the video card interfaces with, but you don't need to reboot until you do the last update
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