How do I restore Office 2010 after a system restore?


Nov 21, 2013
Essentially, on my laptop I bought around a year ago it came with Microsoft Office pre-installed. However, over time the computer started to well start stocking up on useless things, getting virus's because I didn't really care for it as I had my desktop, so I decided to system restore to factory defaults. However, my problem arises now as Microsoft Office is still installed on the computer as it was added at the factory so it is a part of factory defaults, however when I open the installer it prompts me to enter my CD-Key. I am pretty sure the CD key is the one on the bottom of the PC, and I have typed it in; however it is saying it is invalid. Is there any way to restore my Office, by messaging Microsoft and explaining that I restored my computer and I need to use the same CD key again? Any help or pointers is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

Did your MS Office come as a preinstalled & full product

or was it a Trial version which to have to pay for a key to keep using at the end of the trial

Do you have a Windows and Office key sticker?

I have looked at some Office & Windows stickers which do not say what product they are for

Preinstalled OEM Windows will have a sticker but you probably wont need to enter the Windows key

Microsoft can tell you what key is oem Windows and which is MS Offfice if you are not sure which one is which

Mike Barnes

The license key for Office is not the same one for the Windows OS.
You need to find the one for your Office install.

The MS Office came on the computer ready to be installed (It was fully downloaded) didn't come with a CD or anything, so maybe there is a key laying around somewhere? It wasn't a trial version, I was using it for 3 years. I have a sticker on the bottomside of the laptop but it doesn't specify if it is the OS product key, or the Microsoft office product key. So do you think I should contact Microsoft then? Thanks for your help

The license key on the bottom is the OS license, not Office.