how do I send only one program's traffic through a second internet connection?


Jun 14, 2015
hey there,
I am having the following problem: right now I have 2 different internet conections, one per w-lan over a normal router and a second one via LTE for home use. while the first one is alright, it is very limited and can be slow at certain times, and the LTE one is really fast but has only a limited data usage per month. the problem is that I am getting serious ping issues when playing online games through the first connection and if I switch to the second one I will empty my data rather quickly so I cant use it anymore. what I want to do is being able to send most of my data through the first network, and only send the data from the game through the second one. I've googled a bit but it is really hard to find the solution so I hope you guys can help me out
You can use a older free program called forcebindip that I think they finally fixed to run under 64bit windows I have not used it in years.

The problem is many games have multiple parts to them. Many times they have a web browser part as well as game part and many times flash based stuff. Problem is you can't bind the web browser to the second connection only for certain urls it all or nothing and if you do not bind the game and the browser to the same interface many times the game will see you coming from 2 different ip and detect it as hacking.

The way I normally do this is with the ROUTE command. What you do is open a cmd window in admin mode and issue ROUTE PRINT. Then issue ROUTE DELETE for the entry corresponding to your secondary connection. All you traffic will now go over only the primary.

The hard part is now you must find all the IP the game sites uses and issue ROUTE ADD commands sending just those ip over the second connection. Generally the easiest way to get the ip is to watch the resource monitor when the game is open but some games use pools of ip but you should be able to route whole subnets rather than just individual hosts if they have lots of server ip.

with " entry" do you mean the ip4 adress which looks like this: or do you mean the netmask which looks like this: 255.255.255.x
You want to remove the entry. The other one represent the connection between you and the router. If for example you would remove both routes you would still be able to talk to other machines in your house and configure the routers but not have any access to the internet.

You need to be sure you use different subnets for the 2 connection though.

deleted the second connection, worked, my PC only connects to the other one know. I also know the IPs the game uses. question is now how I use the ROUTE ADD command. could you give me an example?