How do I set an FPS cap?


Mar 29, 2017
I just downloaded gears of war 4 for the pc and my frames fluctuate from a high of 200 FPS to a low of 100 FPS. How can I set an effective FPS cap? Can I just set the frame rate to 60 FPS in-game? Will this look normal on a 144hz display? I want a consistent Framerate similar to the console. What is the best solution to do? Please help!
Riva tuner will do what you want. DL it with MSI afterburner. Lots of videos on youtube on how to use it.
However on a 144hz display I would not cap it at 60fps, as that defeats the purpose of a 144hz display. Set your refresh rate for a FPS you can consistently achieve and then cap your FPS to either the refresh rate or 1 lower. So for 100hz, cap it to 100 fps or 99 fps (try both and see which looks better to you),
Riva tuner will do what you want. DL it with MSI afterburner. Lots of videos on youtube on how to use it.
However on a 144hz display I would not cap it at 60fps, as that defeats the purpose of a 144hz display. Set your refresh rate for a FPS you can consistently achieve and then cap your FPS to either the refresh rate or 1 lower. So for 100hz, cap it to 100 fps or 99 fps (try both and see which looks better to you),