How do I setup crossfire properly?

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Feb 17, 2013
I have 2 msi radeon 7970 lightnings installed in my system (with the crossfire bridges and everything) and I would like to know how to get the latest drivers and set them up in a crossfire configuration.

feel free to ask me anything you need to answer the question.

thank you in advance :)
this info is readily available by doing a google search or going to AMD's website support section, but here:
if you had a single card installed and you are adding a card you must uninstall old drivers and reboot first. you can then re-install the latest drivers and go into CCC and enable crossfire. you may need to reboot, but that's all there is to it really.
just make sure your motherboard has at least 2 x 8x pcie slots, crossfire works, but not well on a 16x/4x pcie setup. you will also want a high end i5/i7 cpu to feed them data.

only download the latest catalyst control centre driver. Also download latest Crossfire Application Profiles, this will ensure the correct crossfire mode is used for a given application.


Feb 17, 2013
there is (catalyst software suit), (amd catalyst application profiles), and (latest BETA driver) so I download the beta driver, and the catalyst application profiles? did i get this right or is there something different? sorry i'm new at this and I don't want to mess up.


Feb 17, 2013
there is (catalyst software suit), (amd catalyst application profiles), and (latest BETA driver) so I download the beta driver, and the catalyst application profiles? did i get this right or is there something different? sorry i'm new at this and I don't want to mess up.
you can use the catalyst software suite, then update to the BETA driver if necessary. only use the beta driver if you have problems that it can fix. just start with the catalyst software suit and the application profiles. once installed you will have to enable crossfire in catalyst control centre.


Feb 17, 2013
ok i got the drivers, but now it gives me message that says:

"to run this application, you first must install one of the following versions of .NET Framework
contact your application publisher for instructions about obtaining the appropriate versions of the .Net framework"

what do I do? how do I contact my "application publisher" ?

this is all vary confusing for me.
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