How do I setup Dell R810 server board M9DGR


May 19, 2016
Hey there, I just bought a Dell M9DGR board on ebay and it's on the way. But I don't see any ports on the board and the power supply looks weird. I'm going to use it for Cryptocurrency mining. Any ideas on how to set it up? Any help is appreciated . Thanks.

PS: I realized buying a system board instead of an R810 was a bad idea,but please help.

I bought the board itself not the server rack.
I just found out that there is a System Board and I/O Board. I bought the system board and I am about to order a I/O board online. But I don't how do I would connect them and also where to connect the PSU.

I/o board ebay link : Click here

System board ebay link : Click here

To make that work you basically need the whole dell server since it's nearly 100% proprietary connections and tech.

I'm planning to use usb for booting the device. Can't I even boot with those parts I mentioned above ( ebay links and I'll get a power supply). Because if not it involves a lot of hassle to send the items back to the seller and get a refund.

You also need the 4 fans for the board (otherwise it will keep throwing errors when running). These are special dell fans. Then you need an original dell psu setup including the connectors. By the time you are done you have spent more on that then just buying a rack or genning a modern board with a bunch of pcie slots and a cheap cpu. Also do not forget the quite substancial powerdraw from those fans since they are basically get engines.
Thanks @jasilon . I guess my only option now is to return the board and sell the 4 cpu's ( Monero mining requires cpu's ) I purchased for a profit and start over again more carefully this time. And yea, did I mention I borrowed the money from my friend? 🙁

Mining monero on a cpu is just losing money. It will get outclassed so much with just a simple amd gpu in every way. Don't know where you read mining with the cpu was a good idea.

I checked and it's not actually bad. I would be making over $200 per month. Monero uses CryptoNight algo. which has a gpu advantage of only 2 . So 4 of a decent cpu's would actually outperform a gpu like RX 580. And besides RX 580's are relatively costly these days because of everyone mining.


Don't forget that any decent cpu for that board would consume about 120 watt. That is quite a bit more than a 580 once you have 3.