how do I tell if my hybrid drive has an SSD caching system?


May 7, 2014
I just recently bought an alienware PC X51 with a hybrid hardrive, they say it has a 64GB mSATA SSD caching system. am not much of a computer guy, but i die for very good performance. i don't c the SSD part of the drive anywhere in the pc, how can i tell if it really does have the SSD caching system?
Hybrid drives work in a kind of funny way, they analyze programs that you run most like windows, web browser, and games. Then after that it will add those programs to the ssd part of the drive and leave the programs that you don't use so often on then hard drive. Pretty simple, just after a couple of boots you should notice things getting faster and faster.
Unfortunately the flash portion of the drive is included in the entire volume, there is no way to verify how much there is, or how much room is left on it. As Spanky said, the drive analyzes the most accessed files and caches them there. It's all done from the drives firmware.
The performance hybrid cache solutions may be iffy.
It depends on having most of what you use being able to fit in the cache.
If performance means much to you, consider replacing the hybrid drive with a SSD.
Intel and Samsung offer free cloning programs.
Easy answer - Look at the hard drives label for the model #.
- if its a seagate then they mis-informed you since seagate does not make a hybrid drive with 64GB of ssd cache. they use 4 or 8 depending on the drive. You will not "see" seagates SSD at any point.

- if its Western Digital Black2 then its possible but that means they configured the drive wrong. They configured as 1 partition instead of leaving the SSD & HDD parts separate. This means the first 64GB of stuff written to the drive will be on the SSD and from then on everything else will be on the HDD. Once you load the WD driver the SSD portion is visible and initially the drive is configured in two parts SSD & HDD naturally; both working as independent drives.

What I think happened is they told you the HDD has 64MB of cache which is the ram used by the HDD and not the same as SSD cache.

[EDIT] After I posted this I thought of something and did a quick check: The WD Back2 is not made in 64GB size. Only 120Gb.
it's a shame, I was really looking towards faster performance. i guess I was cheated, coz this guy is not any faster. I'll just go buy a separate SSD drive, I wanna make that a boot drive but I don't wanna b re-installing the whole system again from scratch coz I don't have setups of some programs that i need. if I copy all windows and program files from the HHD to the SSD drive, thn make the SSD the boot drive, that should work right?