[SOLVED] How do I test an AIO pump before installing it?

I recently bought a Corsair H60 and installed it fully only to find out the pump on it was dead. Tried my Mobo's (SYSFAN3_PUMP) header, and (SYSFAN2, SYSFAN1) headers but none worked with the pump. The headers were working fine for case fans. So I returned the cooler to Best Buy.

I've ordered a Dark Rock 4 from Amazon, but in the event that I need to get a different cooler, I might try another AIO or go with Noctua.

If I end up having to get another AIO, how can I test the functionality of the Pump before installing the block onto my CPU? I don't want my PC running with nothing on my CPU, and if I were to unplug my CPU then my PC wouldn't start.

How can I test pump? It'll use a 3/4 pin header for Pump power, motherboard is an gigabyte b360 aorus gaming 3
Usually, AIO pumps use supplementary power in form of SATA power cable and 3/4-pin CPU header is to feed back the RPM data. Most high-end AIOs are this way. Though, there can be AIOs that are powered by 3/4-pin header alone.

To run AIO without installing it in PC, you need to plug it to PSU and jumpstart the PSU. Then, you can put your ear to AIO pump and listen if it works.

Connecting AIO with SATA power cable to PSU is self-explanatory. To connect AIO with 3/4-pin header to PSU, you'll need molex to 3/4-pin fan adapter,
amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Phobya-Adapter-Cable-4-Pin-Sleeved/dp/B004X2XBMA

And here's how to jumpstart PSU,
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ea1dcJ0QyAE
Usually, AIO pumps use supplementary power in form of SATA power cable and 3/4-pin CPU header is to feed back the RPM data. Most high-end AIOs are this way. Though, there can be AIOs that are powered by 3/4-pin header alone.

To run AIO without installing it in PC, you need to plug it to PSU and jumpstart the PSU. Then, you can put your ear to AIO pump and listen if it works.

Connecting AIO with SATA power cable to PSU is self-explanatory. To connect AIO with 3/4-pin header to PSU, you'll need molex to 3/4-pin fan adapter,
amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Phobya-Adapter-Cable-4-Pin-Sleeved/dp/B004X2XBMA

And here's how to jumpstart PSU,
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ea1dcJ0QyAE