How do I triple boot with SSD and HDD?

Firefly CGI

Apr 10, 2013
okay so I'm new to this sort of thing and I want to know how I can triple boot windows 7, Ubuntu and Mint with a 1TB hard drive and a 120gb SSD..

My original plan was to partition all the OS's on the SSD and store everything on the HDD as I heard this could be done but I don't really know if this work or how it would work...

Could I put windows on the SSD and the other two on the HDD?

Could you please help and maybe guide me through the process?


I know about installing windows then the linux OS's I want to know the partition sizes and such which should be okay to run them and how to store stuff on HDD without clogging the SSD up.
You can put all three on the SSD or distribute them as you like. At one time Windows had to be in the first partition of the first Drive but that has changed. Ubuntu and Mint both will work on any drive you place them on. I would recommend a boot manager such as EasyBCD so you can manage how your computer boots. Grub/Grub2 is good too, but has a steep learning curve, whereas EasyBCD is relatively simple (though it can be a headache at times).
One method I have used in the past is to use a single hard drive (or SSD Drive) for each OS and manage them from within BIOS... basically setting boot OS by choosing your boot order in BIOS. Of course you have to have a BIOS that allows this. Of course there are other answers and likely ther eare simpler answers, but that is what has worked for me.
I currently boot Windows XP, Windows 7 and Mint 12 using EasyBCD... however I have not touched XP in months and only rarely boot into Mint. But it all works flawlessly.


Okay so that sounds okay management wise.. will EasyBCD manage partitions for me or will I still have to set them? and is there a way I can route files I dont want on the SSD such as documents, downloads etc onto the HDD?
and is there a way I can route files I dont want on the SSD such as documents, downloads etc onto the HDD?

For downloads, I simply set the default download location in the browser(s) to wherever I want them to go. For all other files, Save As...

You can force it with mklinks, but I find that too finicky over just paying attention to where it goes.

Okay lol sounds like common sense 😛 so partitions now I was thinking 60gb for win 7 and 60 gb between the two linux OS's (Yes I know 30gb is alot for linux and I may decrease this amount)