how do I unmute the microphone in windows 10

Hello reganne01

Can you please elaborate the issue you are facing?

If it is in general that your microphone is mute, you can follow the below procedure to unmute it:

> Right-click the speaker icon on the system tray of your Windows 10.

> From the context menu, click Recording devices.

> On the Sound box, ensure that the Recording tab is selected.

> From the recording devices' list, double-click your microphone.

> From the opened properties box, go to the Levels tab.

> Increase the Microphone slider to the max and click the speaker icon next to it to unmute the microphone if set to mute.

> Click OK, save the changes, and close all the boxes.

> Try using the microphone this time.

Feel free...
Hello reganne01

Can you please elaborate the issue you are facing?

If it is in general that your microphone is mute, you can follow the below procedure to unmute it:

> Right-click the speaker icon on the system tray of your Windows 10.

> From the context menu, click Recording devices.

> On the Sound box, ensure that the Recording tab is selected.

> From the recording devices' list, double-click your microphone.

> From the opened properties box, go to the Levels tab.

> Increase the Microphone slider to the max and click the speaker icon next to it to unmute the microphone if set to mute.

> Click OK, save the changes, and close all the boxes.

> Try using the microphone this time.

Feel free to reply back for further assistance.

Cheers!! :)