How Do I Use the Windows 8 PowerShell Feature?

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How Do I Use the Windows 8 PowerShell Feature?

Apart from the traditional command line interface (CLI) that was also available in all earlier versions of Windows operating systems, Windows 8 also has PowerShell. Although PowerShell has command line interface as well, it serves major 3 purposes to advanced users:

[listNum]■It allows administrators to execute simple DOS commands such as DIR, MD, etc.
■It is a scripting language that allows administrators to create and run the scripts to automate many administrative tasks.
■It also allows administrators to call other scripts that are created in other scripting languages such as VBScript or JavaScript.

In most production environments, administrators rely on PowerShell instead of working on simple Graphical User Interface because it allows them to have complete and granular control over every administrative task that they wish to execute on the computer.

Not only in Windows 8, PowerShell is also extensively used on network operating systems such as Windows Server 2008 RTM/R2 and Windows Server 2012 in order to automate multiple tasks throughout the domain, and further throughout the entire enterprise network that may be expanded across the globe. This allows them to administer and manage the entire network right from a single location, hence remarkably reducing additional cost that company would otherwise have to bear if administrators were physically sent from their home locations to the problematic areas.

How to Use PowerShell Feature in Windows 8

In order to use PowerShell feature in Windows 8, step-by-step instructions given below must be followed:
    ■Log on to Windows 8 computer with the administrator account.
    ■Click Desktop tile from the Start screen to go to the desktop.
    ■Once on the desktop screen, hover mouse to the bottom right corner.
    ■From the displayed options, click Search.
    ■From the Search pane in the right, make sure that Apps category is selected.
    ■In the Apps field, type Windows PowerShell.


    ■From the displayed results on the Apps window, right-click Windows PowerShell.
    ■From the displayed advanced options at the bottom, click Run as administrator.
    ■On User Account Control confirmation box, click Yes to provide administrative consents to open PowerShell with the elevated privileges.
    ■On the opened PowerShell window, type Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned command, and press Enter.
    ■On the displayed prompt, type Y to allow Windows PowerShell to load the scripts.
    ■On C: prompt, type the complete path of the script, and press Enter to load the script. (For example, C:\MyScripts\TestScript.PS1)


    ■Once the command completed successfully, close Windows PowerShell.

Note: In order to run a script from Windows PowerShell, users must create a script using Notepad and saving it with .PS1 extension.
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