How do you block KB3176938 windows 10?


Jun 15, 2008

KB3176938 is giving me a lot of problems. I'm a gamer and when this update is applied, it's dropping my framerate below 30fps when I normally run over a 100fps. So many people are having issues with games because of KB3176938. Is there a way I can block it in windows 10? It updated again and wants me to restart my computer. If I have to leave my computer on forever just so it doesn't get applied I will do it.

That link is probably for an older build. That option is not there anymore. I know you can block certain updates from happening in Windows 7 and 8. Wasn't sure if that feature was in Windows 10. Just seems like they are shoving updates down your throat. Might have to jump to windows 8 again if I can't get rid of this update. Completely ruins my gaming experience.


Thank you sir! The hidden feature will hopefully work after restart and I will need to uninstall the update. I tend to turn this back on once they come up with a new update that will fix this problem. Thanks again!

For whatever reason this annoying update keeps redownloading itself. For whatever reason this stupid update causes my WIFI driver to act up and blue screen. The blue screen is the very annoying Bad Pool Caller Netio.sys which means bad driver and for whatever reason it has only been happening when this update is installed. I disabled windows update but for whatever reason it still downloads the update. I don't know what to do to get rid of this once and for all.