How do you link 2 files one my cloud so that they both go to the same place.


Nov 23, 2014
I downloaded and installed 2 similar programs onto my dropbox so that I could use them both on my friends' computers with only having to install dropbox and could just download updates on it on my own time. The unfortunate thing is when I edit my settings in the folder of one of my programs, it doesn't transfer over to the other one, which was the whole point of the dropbox, so I don't have to save/copy and paste my files all the time. I found another thread that looked like it could solve my problem, but I'm not sure if it will work on the account that I'm working with a could storage and when I change computers the directions to get there wont be the same. Plus I don't understand it very well. Link to it here.
What I want to do is either have one of the files, when the program searches for it, has the computer get transferred over to the other one instead, or have a separate folder outside of those two but still in dropbox where they can both get to it and be able to edit it and affect the other, when it refreshes. The latter would be preferred, unless it's way to complicated.
Is this the right way to go and if so could you dumb it down if possible, or would I have to do something else? If there are no easy solutions, I will just stick to the copying and pasting. I guess I could always just use flash drives but that'd be no fun.

I guess they're more applications than programs, seeing as how their file types are Applications (I swear they were .exe files but whatever). Both apps, or folders those apps are inside of, have a file of have the same name, 'deck.' Deck is a folder full of YDK's. Usually, whenever I find that one doesn't have data that the other does, I copy and paste all the data in the folder from one to the other, which 1) takes a while, and 2) runs into 'this data you're trying to copy over has the same name as this already existing data. what do you want to do?' and I either overwrite it or don't copy it at all. I know I could just look for that particular data but there are a LOT of stuff to sort through so it's actually faster [strike]and I could of updated another set and forgot so I might as well.
[/strike]My ideal goal is to have them both use the same folder/data simultaneously so I won't have to copy and paste anymore. How to do that, I don't know, that why I'm here. I have them saved in a cloud, which I don't know if that has any effect on it or not, but this will be used on more that just my computer.
I bet this is irrelevant (but I could be wrong) the names of the apps are 'YGO Pro' and 'Dev Pro.' Dev Pro is basically YGO Pro but with just more. I hope I'm not being confusing. If so, tell me what to clarify on.
Application, program...same thing.

But what you are trying to do does not work.
Install on one PC, then install on another PC, but have all the settings and customizations available to both.

First, does the licensing (if any) allow for multiple installs like that?

Second, the customization data does not live in that DropBox location.

If you try to copy the customization file into the DropBox location, it will indeed tell you that you are trying to overwrite a file of the same name.

So what you're saying is that I cannot link one file to another (have ygopro/deck redirect to devpro/deck or vice versa) or have both files redirect to a folder outside of both ygopro or devpro but still be in dropbox. Is that it? I'd get that with everyone's computer directory and dropbox being in different places, but the overwrite file message only happens outside of the programs. Saving in-game does overwrite it but no message pops up which is perfectly normal.
Here's an idea that I have no basis for because I have no idea for what I'm talking about, setup something where whenever someone or something tries to enter the folder(s) 'deck,' they are redirected somewhere else in the dropbox. That might be the exact thing I just said before but if you say it wont work no matter what, then I'll believe you. Just know that my pain and inconvenience will be all your fault.
Saving in-game does not generate that message because the application already has that file open.

Possibly you could redirect where that save data goes to for each install, but as I don't know whiat app/game it is, I have no idea if that is possible.
And I'm not likely to install it and investigate if that is possible.

Same for any config files. Can you tell it a specific folder? Unknown.
Windows see DropBox as pretty much a regular folder. See what you can do.

But, does that game and license allow for multiple installs and simultaneous use? And what would happen if both of you are trying to write to that shared file at the same time? Who wins?

If I say freeware does that answer anything about it's license. I tried looking for one on their sites and couldn't find one. As for simultaneous use, I can do it on my PC and I'm confident I could have 2 PC's running the program at the same time using the dropbox installments. As for who would win the overwriting, I'd guess who ever saved it last would win, but it's literally a catalog of saves so the chances of the two editing the exact same file at the exact same time is very unlikely. But in that event, if one where to save while the other was editing the same thing, then there would be no effect on either of them. Unless of course one were to save and leave, then the other exits without saving and comes back and gets whatever the first user made.
If you have dropbox, I can share with you my folders of the two programs for you to look at, but that's entirely up to you.
But seeing as how you say it can't be done, I'll stay with copying and pasting...well... how about some kind of protocol or something where if a change is made to one folder, it automatically copy, pastes and overwrites the entire folder? I feel like now I'm making even less since. And I can see where that could and up in an endless loop.

That is a good question, so let me see if I can explain.
In the App, there are many things you can do, but the two main things we will focus on is Deck editing and playing. Basically, users can create decks using the deck editor, save them and then play with them later. I'd think they'd be more like game saves that you can save and load up later.

So I want to save 1234.ydk for myself, but my friend already took the name for himself.

Well normally I'd either rename his file and make mine that name or just name mine something else, but for your case ...

If I'm saving in-game then an error wont pop up, it'll just overwrite automatically. If I'm doing a copy & paste files then the 'overwrite/ignore/create a copy' question comes up. Sure, I'd be overwriting my friends file if I select it. Tough Luck. But hopefully people will come up with creative names they can remember that others won't copy, on accident or on purpose.

And, in that case, if you overwrite my file...I'm gonna be pissed off. Or the other direction.

pretty much. It's really just a trust system, but it's just me that uses it 70% of the time and the other 30% they just play with it because I usually have their decks set up.