How do you play PS3 on a laptop?

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Apr 22, 2015
Is it possible to plug my Playstation 3 console into my laptop and play the PS3 using the laptop's screen as a monitor for the PS3? I have a pretty new Toshiba Satellite laptop with an HDMI port, three USB ports, two headphone jacks, and a VGA port. I would prefer to use the HDMI port, but all suggestions, possibilities, and feedback will be greatly appreciated. Personally, I've never seen it done, so I honestly am not even sure if it is possible.
Some laptops have HDMI in. Most Alienware (i believe), and some Clevo products.

Unfortunately, I don't think any of the Toshiba products provide HDMI in, which is what you would need in the question you've asked.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's not possible (to the best of my knowledge).
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