I IrishRose56 Commendable Jun 25, 2016 1 0 1,510 Jun 25, 2016 #1 How can a non techie remove a trojan horse like Clampi virus from your pc and know it's completely removed? I have a friend who got it on their Windows 10 new laptop while running The New Internet Explorer The Edge? Anyhelp is appreaciated.
How can a non techie remove a trojan horse like Clampi virus from your pc and know it's completely removed? I have a friend who got it on their Windows 10 new laptop while running The New Internet Explorer The Edge? Anyhelp is appreaciated.
popatim Titan Moderator Dec 2, 2009 39,061 1,020 136,890 Jun 25, 2016 Solution #2 Restore an uninfected backup. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution