How do you test if the Operating System is legit?


Apr 15, 2016
I'm in the market of buying a new laptop or netbooks. This time, I do not ask you to help me decide which laptop to buy as I already have clear idea which laptop to buy as I have done my research. However, I am buying from local store in my city and I know that those places are notorious for selling pirated software and OS.

I want to buy laptop with pre installed operating system as it is cheaper than buying separate license key. I know OEM is bloated at all and retail is better, but life happens

How do I make sure that I actually buy the laptop that is actually OEM and not pirated.

Lenovo Idepad 110 cost $200 DOS
Lenovo Ideapad 110 cost $230 with Windows 10 Home installed

I worry that they actually gives me a laptop that is actually cost $200 but they charge me $230 because it has Windows 10 even though that the Windows 10 is pirate. How do I make sure that I do not get ripped off. How do I test the laptop operating system? Thanks. Much appreciated
First you check if windows is activated.
Then you check for windows activation key in BIOS. You can do that with RW-Everything.
If you want to be absolutely sure, you can do clean reinstall of windows. If it activates automatically, then it's 100% legit.
First you check if windows is activated.
Then you check for windows activation key in BIOS. You can do that with RW-Everything.
If you want to be absolutely sure, you can do clean reinstall of windows. If it activates automatically, then it's 100% legit.