How do you update your Direct X?


I know it is important to update your drivers so I check the Nvida website sometimes to check which drivers are available. So I have changed my Driver for my GPU 6 times since I bought it back in July. And when you install games from steam it will install the programs and or drivers you need to run even if you already have them. Direct X, MS Visual C++ redistributable 2005,2008, 2012.ect...I could not find a direct link to download the latest DX11.1...
I think Direct X 11.1 is not available at this time. so i suggest you go to torrent to download Direct X 11. I too got it from there.
Just go to Google and type in torrent. Click on the first link i.e. or any other torrent downloading site. search for Direct X 11... I think i will be in russian language but it's OK for the system.. download it through bittorent or utorrent (your wish).
and your'e done....

When I googled " Direct X download" the first link i saw was to a Microsoft page and it did not really have much info. I can't remember who told me it was important to update Direct X but i don't think you can unless your installing windows.