How does crossfire work?


Sep 10, 2009
..hopefully u guys can help me :)...right im building my first computer and im just gonna run 1 hd4870 graphics in the future if i wanted to use 2 hd4870 will i need 2 monitors for crossfirex to work or what how does it work?? or would crossfirex still work on 1 monitor?

2 cards, 1 monitor. Each card basically handles half of the processing, so in theory, you should get twice the frame rates. It doesn't work out quite like that, but it does help a lot. Of course there are a lot of other things to consider, for instance the resolution you run at must be pretty high to see the most benefit, just google, there is a ton of info, literally a ton of it around.
so if i have 2 cards i can just stick 1 monitor cable in 1 of the cards?? and it will work fine ?? how how does the computer know how to run 2 cards?
Yes, you can hook up 1 monitor. As a matter of fact, you can only use the output on one card when you use CrossfireX.

There is a Crossfire ribbon that you connect to both cards, and in the drivers you can either enable or disable crossfirex. The drivers is how the computer knows how to run 2 cards. Scaling is getting a lot better than it used to be.