How does my PC compare to an Xbox one?


Oct 14, 2015
A couple years ago I built a PC with an AMD A8 5500 CPU at 3.2 ghz with a Nividia Evga 650ti and 8gigs of Ram how does my current setup compare to an Xbox one for gaming?
Why did people always try to compare their rig to console? Even if the hardware is more powerful both platform have different optimization. Also you will not going to play console and PC in the same manner. Unless you want to play your game on couch.

true and PC almost always beats the console
but he just asked about performance
Which does not really matter to him. Because even if the raw performance is about the same console have true low level API. And there are specific feature that PC simply don't have. Remember Titan fall PC version have massive file size due to uncompressed audio or something? And there is another case in Deus EX Human Revolution where PC version got sttuer problem. Dev said it was because how console work are not the same as PC.


yes that's totally true
you can add GTA IV
they got some stuff in common but they don't run as each other