How Does Pentium G3258 @ 4.6 GHz OC Compare to i7 6700K?


Apr 23, 2014
I've heard that the Pentium G3258 OCed to 4.6 GHz can handle almost every game on Dolphin emulator. But how would it compare to the i7 6700K at stock speed in terms of performance? And how would it compare if the i7 were overclocked?
If the game isn't heavily threaded the pentium would do alright. More games are getting to the point where they run much better on quad cores and dual core cpu's do fall short many times. An i5 or i7 (there's not a lot of game performance difference between them other than a very small handful of titles) would be significantly better.

It's not a very fair comparison though, or at least a difference should be expected comparing one of the lowest end 4th gen cpu's to the top end 6th gen. Qaud core or quad core with ht (most games make little use of ht) will provide a smoother game experience in a good number of titles, less stuttering, less freezing as the cpu's keep up much better.
If the game isn't heavily threaded the pentium would do alright. More games are getting to the point where they run much better on quad cores and dual core cpu's do fall short many times. An i5 or i7 (there's not a lot of game performance difference between them other than a very small handful of titles) would be significantly better.

It's not a very fair comparison though, or at least a difference should be expected comparing one of the lowest end 4th gen cpu's to the top end 6th gen. Qaud core or quad core with ht (most games make little use of ht) will provide a smoother game experience in a good number of titles, less stuttering, less freezing as the cpu's keep up much better.
Thanks for the information, I was mainly just curious. If I were to build a PC, I'd go with the i7 however. I was mainly wondering about how the two would perform with Dolphin emulator, which is a dual-core(Doesn't use anymore) GameCube/Wii emulator. I had just heard about the Pentium and was curious as to how a Pentium could compare with a high-end i7.
I am really into dolphin emulation, i have my self the pentium just for that OC at 4.7, it run ALL games full speed, no need of GPU if you play native resolutions.

The i7 is a waste of money for emulation, as ALL emulators are only single/dual core, the pentium will perform the same and some times better depending on the OC.

For the money of the i7 you can get the pentium + water cooling + a better board.
cpu:Intel Pentium G3258
Cooler: Cooler Master Seidon 120V
MB: Asus Z97I-PLUS
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB)
CASE: Cooler master Elite 110
GPU: GTX 960
PSU: PC Power and Cooling S61EPS 610W

This is my build
An i7 purely for dolphin would likely be a waste.

NubUser made a good point, although an i5 may allow you to multitask a bit better if you've got multiple applications running. Strictly for dolphin it won't improve the speed and a dual core is all that can be utilized by dolphin itself. Where an i5 may give an edge is if you assign dolphin to specific cores using 'set affinity' and other background tasks have their affinity set to use the other 2 cores. That way you'd make sure dolphin was using every bit of the two cores available to it.
well, i have no problem at all running dolphin and other apps in the background, but indeed, if you can afford the i5, go for it, as i only had build it for emulation, just make sure you can OC it.

PS just avoid any AMD chip for emulation, i had the FX8320 at 4.5 and many games struggle with it
Thanks for the responses. I was mainly asking just in general, I'm not planing on building anything anytime soon. But when I do build, it'll be top-of-the-line, not just for Dolphin. It'll be for everything, including but not limited to PC games, video editing, emulation, virtual machines, etc, etc. Basically intensive tasks, and I keep my PCs for many years.

I have several 9+ year old machines that still run to this day, and I use them every now and again for basic internet surfing, writing documents, old games, nostalgia, etc. I've even built a retro rig dedicated to DOS games.

Current dream rig:
Intel Core i7 6700K
2x Nvidia GeForce 980 (2-way SLI)
16-32 GB DDR4 3200 RAM

Whole rig excluding keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc, would be around $2k give or take a couple hundred. But considering the amount of years it'll last, well worth it.

Just a general idea, Not happening any time soon though, just daydreaming. By the time I can build something they'll have much newer tech.

P.S. The main reason for this thread was becuase I was curious, I know Pentiums are fairly weak compared to the i7s, I just found it interesting how it could handle Dolphin so well and got curious as to how it would stack up with an i7 for any other tasks. i7 still wins by far in terms of PC Gaming and intensive tasks, video encoding, editing etc.