I finished up changing a few things in my list of parts for my first gaming PC, I would like to make sure all of the parts are compatible and good quality, if you see anything that isn't good or needs to be changed, please tell me. I am not planning to overclock the CPU as soon as I get it, that is why there is no cooler in the list, but once I get more comfortable with overclocking, I will add one. I had trouble choosing a case for a while, every case I found and thought was cool, people told me that it wasn't any good, so if you guys think the case I have in the list now is good, or if I should change it, please tell me. I don't want to spend too much for a case, so if it needs to be changed, I would like the price to be around the same, or less. If any other parts don't look good, like the RAM, motherboard, storage, or anything else, please tell me also. Thanks guys!
List of parts: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Linkin506/saved/TtVgXL
List of parts: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Linkin506/saved/TtVgXL