Hey guys, I just finished making a list of parts for my first gaming PC, here it is: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Linkin506/saved/GspNnQ
Please tell me what you think of it, if there is anything I should replace, as long as it is the same price or less, please tell me, if everything is compatible, if the PSU is good enough, and what settings am I able to play on and how much FPS. Also, I cant really go any higher than this for the price, so I wont be changing things like the GPU or CPU. Thanks guys!
Please tell me what you think of it, if there is anything I should replace, as long as it is the same price or less, please tell me, if everything is compatible, if the PSU is good enough, and what settings am I able to play on and how much FPS. Also, I cant really go any higher than this for the price, so I wont be changing things like the GPU or CPU. Thanks guys!