How does this work then?

unplanned bacon

Jan 11, 2014
My 3.2 GHz i5 4570 runs at a max of 3.5 GHz. How is this??? It was reporting that it was running at that speed in the task manager. Nothing is overclocked (the board and CPU don't support ocing anyway). Just curious as to how this is, unless the listed the clock speed is an average or something
it's called Intel's Turbo Boost. depending on what program is currently running, your cpu will boost the speed while turning off a certain no. of cores:
3.2 - 3.3ghz = 4 cores
3.4 = 3 cores
3.5 = 2 cores
3.6 = 1 core

so if you're mainly running a program that only needs one core, it'll turn off 3 of them & boosts the speed up to 3.6
i5 3570 does have a turbo speed of 3.6ghz so you may see it running at 3.6 when your doing more computer intensive task, and it may clock it self down to 3.2 when it's idling or not doing much work is my understanding of how turbo works with intel

It doesn't turn them off, it's just when they're under very little load when 1 or 2 or 3 cores are under heavy load.

If I remember right it was doing PS2 emulation at the time as well as the stuff I hadn't bothered to close. Ran it like a boss (although the emulator could have done a bit better job, buggy emulation in places, but considering my laptop lagged horribly when emulating PS2 and my build is buttery smooth can't complain too much), that's probably what pushed it to 3.5 - 3.6

It idles down to 800mhz which is speedstep not turbo. 3.2ghz is nominal speed which is also not related to turbo.