How does Windows 10 do with gaming compared to windows 8.1 pro?

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Windows 10 hasn't actually been released yet, so it would be difficult for anyone to say.
The preview build is available to those in the Windows Insider Program (Windows Beta testing)
The preview build is very much that - it's unreliable at the moment, and not particularly efficient.

For gaming, use Windows 8.1. Windows 10 is a free upgrade, so when the official one is released, you can install it if you choose to do so.

Hope this helps
Windows 10 hasn't actually been released yet, so it would be difficult for anyone to say.
The preview build is available to those in the Windows Insider Program (Windows Beta testing)
The preview build is very much that - it's unreliable at the moment, and not particularly efficient.

For gaming, use Windows 8.1. Windows 10 is a free upgrade, so when the official one is released, you can install it if you choose to do so.

Hope this helps
its a no-no. I originally built a pc and installed win10 to cut costs, but since win10 isnt official, half the games I tried to play have game-killing glitches, and the other half wont even start. And just so you know I just recently went to windows 8 this month because every month they do an "upgrade" that brings a whole bunch of new features, and strikes hell on you because of all the glitches it brings. I wouldnt just try it either because theres no way to bring your data with you if you wanna go to windows8 after windows 10, idk why but you have to erase evertything to go to windows 8.
I assume you mean the proper version of 10 when it comes out and, while no one knows because it isn't out, the fact it will have DX12 surely means it will be much better, no?
Win 8.1 will have DX 12 as well.. plus no games use DX 12 yet... most games BARELY even use DX11... it's either 9 or 11 (10 is dead)... it's mostly major titles and MAYBE 40% of new games use DX 11 and when I mean use I mean use it PROPERLY... as some games just run under DX11 but don't use tessellation, and advanced dx 11 features, but dx12 will catch on FAST because it gives devs access to ALMOST hardwarelevel instructions to the GPU... thus squeezing even more performance out of games
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