How far can i go in getting a GPU for a Core i5 2500k CPU


Sep 30, 2015
I have been using my PC for about 3 years now and im looking to upgrade my gpu.
i want to know whats the best GPU i could get for my current system without running into a buttleneck.
Core i5 2500k CPU and GA-P61A-D3 Motherboard.
Can i go as far as getting a Zotac GTX 970 amp! Omega edition ?
You can go with the best GPU on the market and be fine with the 2500k.

Shame you dont have a Z series motherboard as the 2500k overclocks extremely well.

you can hook up a titan x / r9 fury x with a i5 2500k and be totally fine. that cpu is still really powerful

But with an old P8 P67 motherboard the OP could run SLi'd 970's, a much better option! (IMHO of course) 😀

cause i was gonna run into a bottleneck :\

Nah, your problem my friend is not having enough PCIe slots. 😉

Yeah or a Z68/z77, whichever you can get your hands on in the used market.

Z77 seemed easiest to get hold for me when my z68 motherboard died.